Google Index Checker

Google Index Checker

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About Google Index Checker

Google Index Checker


Google continuously visits millions of websites and creates an index for each website that gets its interest. However, it may not index every site that it visits. If Google does not find keywords, names, or topics that are of interest, it will likely not index it.

This is the reason why many website owners, webmasters, SEO professionals worry about Google indexing their websites. Because no one knows except Google how it operates and the measures it sets for indexing web pages. All we know is that the three aspects that Google usually looks for and takes into account when indexing a web page are – relevance of content, authority, and traffic.

Also, there is no definite time as to when Google will visit a particular site or if it will choose to index it. That is why it is important for a website owner to make sure that all issues on your web pages are fixed and ready for search engine optimization. To help you identify which pages on your website are not yet indexed by Google, this Google site index checker tool will do its job for you.

If your website is not yet indexed, don't worry because Google works non-stop in checking and indexing websites. You may want to focus on improving the content on your website and increasing your traffic because as traffic builds up, your website also gains relevance and authority which will then make Google notice it and start ranking it. Just keep checking the Google Indexing status using this Google index checker tool and work on getting a better performance for your website. This may usually take time to gain more organic traffic, especially for newly launched websites.

Improving your links can also help you, you must use genuine links only. Do not go for paid link farms as they can do more harm than good to your website. Once your website has been indexed by Google, you should work hard to maintain it. You can achieve this by always updating your website so that it is always fresh and you should also make sure that you retain its relevance and authority so it will get a good position in page ranking.