Free Online XML Sitemap Generator

XML Sitemap Generator

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About XML Sitemap Generator

XML Sitemap Generator 


An XML sitemap is a plain text XML file which lists all the most important pages across your website. XML sitemaps can be submitted to Google, Bing, and other major search engines to help them discover, crawl, and index your website more easily and effectively. The more easily search engines can crawl your website, the more likely your rankings are to improve. Learn more about how Google crawls and indexes your website here.

Similar to XML Sitemaps are HTML Sitemaps, but the two do not perform the same function. XML sitemaps are specifically used by search engines, whereas HTML sitemaps can be used by search engines but are primarily designed to help users navigate around your site.

To cover this more in depth, an XML sitemap is not solely a list of your website’s URLs. A properly formatted XML sitemap (most commonly found at gives search engines advanced instructions as to which pages have recently changed or are most likely to. You can also edit sitemaps so they inform search engines of the priority of these pages, aka their “crawl priority”.

One way you could do this would be to set crawl priority of the homepage to 1.0 (maximum) and lower the priority for old, outdated content posts.

For Google to quickly and easily identify all of the pages of your website, you will want to make an XML sitemap for Google and other search engines access.  That is why we created the best, free online XML sitemap creator, which is easy to use and generates a preview of your the webpages on your website.