Google Pagespeed Insights Checker

Pagespeed Insights Checker

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About Pagespeed Insights Checker

Pagespeed insights checker


Your free Website Speed Test includes a page score and performance enhancement opportunities from Google PageSpeed Insights. We’ve included Google’s information alongside the results of Uptrends testing to supply you with all the information you need to improve your page’s user experience. Uptrends gives you the page details element by element to assist you with finding problem page elements and show you your page’s load progression using an easy to read waterfall report. 

If you’ve used our Free Speed Test tool in the past, you may notice that your score has changed. Uptrends gets the PageSpeed Insight score and the subsequent recommendations from Google. Your score has changed because Google has changed how it calculates the score in the fifth version of the PageSpeed Insights API. 

Previously the PageSpeed Insights score was based primarily on the conventions used to reduce page size and speed up the rendering process. The new version takes those things into account but also adjusts the score based on other factors coming from the Lighthouse diagnostic tools (lab data) and field data (real-world experiences).