Simple Word Counter

Word Counter

Enter your text/paragraph here:


Total Words: 0 | Total Characters: 0

About Word Counter

Word Counter 


Word Count, Tool is a word counter that offers detailed information on the amount of words, characters, and characters without spaces... The amount of syllables, monosyllabic and polysyllabic words, phrases, paragraphs, unique words, short and lengthy words, and other statistics are also reported by this instrument.

All main online browsers, including Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, and Internet Explorer, are compatible with this useful word count tool. This programme can be used to count the words and characters in novels, essays, blogs, tweets, and Facebook status.

A crucial writing statistic is the word count. To increase your writing productivity, this application also offers numerous more functions including readability and keyword density. Users that write on blogs, forums, websites, product reviews, and office work can benefit from the tool. Additionally, text is automatically kept in the browser so that the user can return to it at a later time and continue working on it.

It can be a paper or application, or any other academic requirement Word Counter is used for r! Have fun writing!eal-time word, character, phrase, paragraph, and page counts as well as grammar and spelling checks. It helps writers identify grammar errors and plagiarism while also enhancing word choice and writing style. Additionally, our application will precisely estimate speaking time to help with public speaking preparation for class presentations, wedding speeches, and other such events.

Simply place your cursor in the text box above and begin typing to check the word count. As you type, delete, and revise them, you'll notice a rise or decrease in the amount of letters and words. Text from another software can easily be copied and pasted into the editor online shown above.

The number of words and characters will be displayed at the top, any grammar errors will be highlighted, and your most used keywords will be displayed to the right.
Even if you leave the site and return later, the Auto-Save tool will make sure you don't lose any changes you make while editing.

The Word Counter's additional feature, which was created specifically for copywriters and digital marketers, allows you to compare the length of your text to web norms like Twitter's 140-character limit for tweets, Google's 300-character meta description, and Facebook's typical post display length of 250 characters. Our tools and product line are constantly changing. Simply let us know whether you would appreciate a new feature or tool, and we'll make it happen.